Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot - 1501 Words

Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is a theater of absurd which pictures the world that has lost its meaning due to the absence of God and features two protagonists who are incapable of acting upon themselves and who are heavily dependent on a mystical figure named Godot. Given that Beckett is profoundly influenced by existentialism -- a philosophical study in which an individual is required to act upon oneself rather than passively relying on religion -- the audience may find a non-existential aspect of the play, for example, that two characters heavily dependent on a religious figure, rather incoherent and surprising. Yet, in its core, Waiting for Godot can be said to feature the existential ideal -- that one can define his identity only through his actions -- and Beckett effectively delivers this theme by capturing human nature that arises from the sense of desolation, such as defective memory, meaningless wait, sudden agony, blind dependence on others, and habit of choosin g not to act. The audience contends that these human instinctive traits are mostly driven by a lack of truth in one’s life, or more specifically, lack of truth in one’s identity. Vladimir and Estragon, the two protagonists, have waited for Godot for years, and they may unconsciously know that Godot will never show up. Yet, they continue to wait day after day. Why? The uncertainty in life is what drives the two loners to passively wait for Godot, and they believe that when he appears, he will give anShow MoreRelatedSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot2241 Words   |  9 Pages1429631 17/02/2015 Literature Endgame, Samuel Beckett and Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett The vogue for Beckett started with the success of Waiting for Godot which was produced in Paris in 1953. It was his first play apart from one, Eleutheria, written in 1947 which was never published or performed. In 1946, Samuel Beckett wrote Mercier et Camier which according to Ronald Hayman in his critic essay entitled Contempory playrights Samuel Beckett show how the dialogue of the male coupleRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot1696 Words   |  7 PagesWaiting for Godot: Theatre of the Absurd. Who is Godot and what does he represent? These are two of the questions that Samuel Beckett allows both his characters and the audience to ponder. Many experiences in this stage production expand and narrow how these questions are viewed. The process of waiting reassures the characters in Beckett s play that they do indeed exist. One of the roles that Beckett has assigned to Godot is to be a savior of sorts. Godot helps to give the two tramps in WaitingRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot Essay1767 Words   |  8 PagesTheatre is a complex art that attempts to weave stories of varying degrees of intricacies with the hope that feelings will be elicited from the audience. Samuel Beckett’s most famous work in the theatre world, however, is Waiting for Godot, the play in which, according to well-known Irish critic Vivian Mercier, â€Å"nothing happens, twice.† Beckett pioneered many different levels of groundbreaking and avant-garde theatre and had a l arge influence on the section of the modern idea of presentational theatreRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot 1950 Words   |  8 Pagesof time and place in Samuel Beckett’s (1906–1989) Waiting for Godot (1948) and Salah Abdel Sabour’s (1931–1981) The Princess Waits (Al-Amira Tantazer) (1969). It is an attempt to compare the two plays with regard to the absurd features of time and place with reference to the aspects of the absurd theatre. The reasons for selecting these two plays in particular are: firstly, both plays share the process of waiting which is directly connected with the time and place of waiting; secondly, Abdel SabourRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot1667 Words   |  7 PagesBeen Damned Absence of Reason in Religion in Waiting for Godot At first glance, Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, appears to be an unavailing, pointless play whose only purpose is for comic relief. It is filled with off-topic conversations and awkward silences that seem to show no correlation. However, when the confusing plot is analyzed, it is revealed that the play is an analogy of the futility of religion. The use of language in Waiting for Godot serves to illustrate the theme that religionRead MoreAnalysis Of Samuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot Essay1607 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Let s go. We can t. Why not? We re waiting for Godot.† (Beckett 332), one of the most famous lines from Beckett’s â€Å"Waiting for Godot†. Samuel Beckett is a renowned writer of his time. Although most people still question his work, he did much in the reinvention of various genres. As most people would say, Beckett lived a creative life. He was a humorist, poet, and novelist and later turned to theater director. Many authors have wri tten works analyzing Beckett’s work. Our articles of focusRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot1209 Words   |  5 PagesAssignment In Waiting for Godot, a simplistic view can be applied which makes the play frustrating and seemingly worthless, which exemplifies how different views can be applied to different pieces of literature. If an existentialist view is applied to the play, it is easy to see how the nothingness that fills the main characters’ lives can be connected to the readers’ own lives and how the play exposes the lack of meaning thrust upon them. In Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, the suppressionRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot1574 Words   |  7 PagesIn Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot, the use of seemingly useless repetition with subtle differences is seen throughout the play in a way that Beckett allows the audience to put their own meaning into the play. The play writer does this through the repetition of his setting, character’s actions and the creation of almost two identical days. In Waiting for Godot, we see a tragic comedy in which no thing happens, not once, but twice. In between the two acts, which are separate days in the playRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot1970 Words   |  8 PagesSamuel Beckett was born in Ireland on April 13, 1906. Waiting for Godot was composed between 1948 and 1949 in French. The premiere was on January 5 1953 in Paris. After World War II, he wrote Waiting for Godot. In Samuel Beckett’s play, Waiting for Godot, it is essential that the play is characterized by time and hopelessness. That the purpose of life is unanswerable; there is no apparent meaning to it. When first analyzing the play, there is an uncertainty if anything happens within the play orRead MoreSamuel Beckett s Waiting For Godot, Endgame, And Not I2331 Words   |  10 Pagesmeaning in a chaotic and uncaring world, and to the playwright Samuel Beckett it is no different. In the works Waiting for Godot, Endgame, and Not I, Samuel Beckett uses elements of nihilism, pessimism, and absurdity to find humor in day-to-day existence, as well as the relationships between the self and others. Before one can analyze Beckett’s work, one must first understand the meanings of nihilism, pessimism, and absurdity in regard to Beckett himself. Nihilism is a term often attributed to inaction

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Trials and Effects of Blended Families Essays

A blended family is typically seen as one of divorce, or widow, and remarriage with or without kids. These types of family systems tend to face more unique challenges than most. They face struggles such as the trauma of divorce, children getting used to a new parent that has not always been around, and new siblings that have not always been around. This can cause added stress to an already stressed family system. Socioeconomic status plays a role in every family. However, in blended families is can play a more prominent role. Marrying up or down in socioeconomic status, losing an income, adding an income, and marrying out of financial necessity can all have a profound impact on the development of not only the children involved but†¦show more content†¦It has become increasingly common to see multigenerational households. Grandparents, parents, and children living under the same roof allows for better housing, help raising children, and help taking care of the elders. Multigenerational households represent two thirds of families in the United States, where the grandparents is the primary caregiver to the children allowing for parents to work (Public Broadcasting Service, 2004). Marriage is not as easy as most people think, and today people seem to be going into marriage planning for a divorce. Studies have estimated that one third of weddings today form step families, making one third of households in the United States blended families (Gillespie, 2004). The rate of divorce is higher, about 60%, for remarried couples putting the children and adult in a cycle of marriage, marital conflict, divorce, single status, and remarriage (Sigelman Rider, 2013). It is true that there is no cut and dry manual to make a marriage work. Unfortunately research shows that finances are the number one cause of marital strain (Focus on the Family, 2008). Families with less money live in constant dread of financial drains. Things like illness, layoffs, car r epairs, or home repairs can be devastating (Weiten, Lloyd, Dunn Hammer, 2009). When looking for a life partner it is common to look for things in common and we tend to overlook differences. One major difference is social class.Show MoreRelatedBlended Families : Exploring The Perception Of Realistic Expectations2321 Words   |  10 Pages Blended Families: Exploring the Perception of Realistic Expectations Sha’Terra Washington Mini Proposal Texas Woman’s University Abstract This research proposes to explore the relationships that blended families experience and to determine what realistic expectations are, and how blended families use them when working towards becoming a well-functioning family unit. Like the average nuclear family, blended families are unique in their own wayRead MoreEssay on Juvenile and Adult Courts1740 Words   |  7 Pagesagainst them (James Halpin, 2010, pgs41-42). 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Serai Garden restaurant knows that it could not appeal to all of its customers; therefore, it has selected a few markets where it can serve best. The markets that Serai Garden restaurant has targeted are family life cycle, which include single to married couples with children, age ranging from 22 onwards and income due to its location and quality provided. Serai Garden restaurant has also adopted differentiated marketing as its market-coverage strategy.

Monday, December 9, 2019

My Memories Essay Example For Students

My Memories Essay These are some of my memories that I can remember clearly. Some are from a very long time ago and some are quite resent. I have three, some parts of them are bad memories and other parts are that good that Ill never forget them. One of my earliest memories was when I was about 3 or 4 and lived in a small house in Warrington. It was a hot sunny day and I was out in the garden playing football with my friend Joe. My Mum, and Joes Mum, were both in the house having dinner together because they had not seen each other for a while. Me and Joe were both seeing who could do the most kick-ups. When it was my turn, I kicked the ball too far and it landed in next doors garden. I walked over to have a look if I could see it. As I was walking over I could see some thing in the bush, I then realized it was an action figure. So I ran to get it, but before I got there, Joe had already beaten me to it. I tried to snatch of him but he kept hold tight, like a dog with a bone. We were fighting and arguing over it for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then all of a sudden he let go and I went flying through the air. I then ended up landing on the concrete out side the back door and smacking my head on the floor. The pain rushed to my head and I started to feel dizzy. It felt like some one had put my head in a vice and tightened it slowly. There was no blood but there was a huge bruise on the back of my head. I started to scream as loud as I could and both of our parents came rushing out of the back door to see what was going on. The bruise lasted for a week or so and I didnt talk to Joe for a month or so. Another one of my memories was when I was around 10 years old. My Dad had a friend who was doing up an old motor bike out of scrap parts. At the time all I wanted was a motor bike, and I begged my Dan to buy it of his friend. My Dad asked his friend if he would sell the motor bike after he had got it working. His friend, Dave said yes and about a week later he finally bought it. At first it looked all scratched and rusty but my Dad got it painted professionally and the bike looked as good as new. I felt so happy and pleased because my Dad had took a lot of time and effort in getting the bike to look so good. I also felt anxious to get on the bike and go for a ride. One day when the weather was nice, he took me and my friend Karl out over some fields near my house. Karl already had a motor bike of his own, so he came out on his. When we got to the fields, we were racing down the side of a little brook. We were going quite fast and the wind was in my face, it felt great. As we came to the end of the brook there was a small hill with two paths leading left or right. In the middle of the two paths was a bush with a tree in the middle. As me and Karl were racing I felt that I had to get to the top of the hill before him to prove that my bike was faster than his. I was in front of Karl and it felt good because I knew that I was going to beat him to the top of the hill. Then I suddenly realized that I had to slow down so that I could get round the corner. However, I was going too fast to get around the corner. I pulled both my breaks, the front and back wheels locked up. There was nothing I could do. I then hit the bush and then all branches came flying through my helmet, hitting me in the face. I carried on sawing through the branches until I hit the tree. SMACK I hit the tree hard and stopped dead, it was like running in to a brick wall! .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 , .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .postImageUrl , .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 , .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:hover , .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:visited , .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:active { border:0!important; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:active , .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6 .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u346140f3f446ee07d4f06094fa02f8e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: White Tigers EssayThe pain was not too bad and I didnt really worry about what I had done to myself, I was more concerned about my bike. I quickly pulled my bike out of the bushes and gave it a check to make sure that I had not scratched it. I was lucky because I hadnt scratched the bike, just my face however it was not too terrible to bare. Karl was just sat on his bike laughing at me, I was telling him that it was not funny because I would have to explain to my Dad how I got the scratches. After a few minutes I tried to start my bike and it wouldnt, then I did panic. I carried on trying to start it but it still wouldnt work. After about fifteen times of trying to start it, I decided I would have to attempt to bump start it. Finally, it worked. When I got back to my Dad I told him that when I was riding, I hit a small branch with thorns on it. I have now learnt not to race unless you know how to stop and when to stop. I can remember going on holiday to Michigan in America a few years back, with my family and my friend Karl. We stayed at my Nan and Granddads house. They live on a large lake called Klinger lake. The scenery was attractive and the air was really fresh like new picked fruit, because of all the trees. The weather was hot all the time and the lake was crystal clear and warm. The house was huge and the gardens were massive, it was like mansions. It was like a dream, but only this was real. Me, Karl and my brother, Tony were out swimming. We were all diving of a floating dock that belonged to the next door neighbor. We were trying to see who could do the best forward flips of the dock. It was so much fun and we were loving it, the day just couldnt get any better. However that doesnt mean to say that the day couldnt get any worse. Tony, my brother did a forward flip and caught his head on the side of the dock. As he came back from under the water me and Karl asked how his head was. He turned around and said what are you going on about? . We told him that he caught his head on the side of the dock. He didnt even realized until he looked down at the water. The water was like a blood bath. It looked like something out of a horror movie. All blood was running down his neck and the side of his face. I told him to get back to the house as fast as he could. So he shot out of the water and into the house. My Mum came out side to see what was going on. She then saw Tony running towards her. As he got closer she realized that his whole left hand side of his body was covered in blood. She looked horrified, like the had seen a ghost. She shot back inside and got a full role, of kitchen role to stop the blood from flowing. I had never been so scared in my life. I thought that my little brother was going to die, but it was a tiny little cut and it only looked really bad because the water had mixed with it.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Business Link to Sustainable Development

Introduction This report describes our project, which is a business that is environment friendly. The focus on eco-business stems from the understanding that the transformation of our environment brings with it intricate relationships bearing both enterprise and livelihood opportunities.[1]Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Business Link to Sustainable Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consequently, the project we came up with, as Spedding advices, is financially viability, environmentally sustainability, and socio-culturally acceptable.[2] Much of what is presented in this paper stems from my role in developing the project. My main contribution to the project consisted in researching on different aspects of the business and doing a market analysis. Business Idea Generation Process The idea for our Eco-business dawned on us after scanning the New York City (NYC) neighborhoods. NYC being an urban area , many of the inhabitants are preoccupied throughout the day in their various jobs. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to engage in gardening or any other activity of the same nature. While carrying out our survey, we realized that in NYC there are a number of individuals engaged in community gardening. However, upon further investigations, our respondents intimated to us that despite the numerous faming activities that take place in the area, people find it difficult to partake in those farming activities due to time constraints. Secondly, in order for them to engage in farming, they have to travel a long distance to community gardens. Moreover, growing vegetables at home tends to be impossible due to lack of implements that would facilitate the same. Finally, many residents that we spoke to do not know where they could buy implements for home gardens. Business Branding Having identified the aforementioned concerns, we recognized a prime business opportunity. Our business ide a revolves around assisting or helping NYC people to start growing vegetables in the comfort of their homes. We are keen on helping people start growing vegetables for their own consumption but also because of the related environmental benefits. In so doing, we came up with a brilliant idea that we now call INTO-MEET-SEE. We chose the brand name because we hope to encourage people to take plants into their homes. Our brand name suggests to individuals that, ‘bring a plant INTO your home then you could MEET green around you’.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, this phrase has in itself profound insight than the ones overtly seen. In fact, in our opinion, the brand name implies ‘let us make intimate connection with nature and the environment†. In other words, the business idea involves helping people to be friendly with the natural environm ent thus being ready to preserve it. Consequently, our idea will to promote a development platform that enables people to meet their needs without compromising the livelihood of future generations.[3] Main Project Activities Our project recognizes that despite many people sustainable development is very critical.[4] Since development tends to be perceived to entail the degradation of the environment. Our business entails various activities including online business, renting planter, selling planter-kit, selling holiday kit, as well as events and promotions. Our promotional activities involve the establishment of an open market, each season, so that people can come and exchange whatever they have grown. Secondly, we provide website services through which members can post pictures of their plants, and share gardening tips. Third, we provide a weekly-customized planter to customers as a way of enhancing the growing trend of Eco-green movement. Profit Story As a business entity, we will generate profit from the sale of complete plant kit. Furthermore, we have other products such as events-holiday kit, customized planter, and fertilizer. We predict that the selling of fertilizer will be our major profit source once the market is saturated with our planter kits. The fertilizer will be generated from organic material, which can be obtained free of charge from garbage collection centers. We plan to obtain leftovers from Wal-Mart, Costco, restaurants, spent-grain Microbrewery, and Coffee grain. Furthermore, in order to enhance profitability, we will use a hybrid truck in transporting the fertilizer. Moreover, we will carry out our transportation within a 100 miles radius, hence making our business more sustainable. In addition to the radii of transportation and the use of hybrid transportation, we also use recycled paper for broaches and catalog. This will help ensure that there is no wastage of materials. Project Sustainability The materials we use are biodegradable h ence harmless to the environment. Additionally we make planter from recyclable materials. Most importantly, the kind of fertilizer that we use is completely organic. Consequently, our project is sustainable because it uses less costly materials effectively and with no harmful effect on ecosystem. To determine the viability of our project, we did a SWOT analysis and came up with various factors, which we have to address. Regarding strengths, our business is 100% environment friendly hence a positive brand image. The project is also profitable due to the minimal costs incurred in obtaining materials as mentioned earlier in this essay. The greatest opportunity for our project emanates from the current eco-green trend that many people have taken to with gusto.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Business Link to Sustainable Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More We believe that many people will find our produc t timely and very beneficial. However, the weakness of our project is that it tends to be hard to increase awareness especially because we are limited to the 100 miles radius. Through the internet we can advertise our products widely, but the logistics of delivering the products may prove challenging. The most critical threats that our project faces include high competition since the project is easy to imitate. Conclusion The trend of coming up with eco-friendly business ventures started long ago. However, what eco-friendly means has changed over time. For instance, in 1962, Rachel Carson helped change understanding for environmental degradation from merely â€Å"deforestation, mining destruction, factory pollution, and other visible changes.†[5] She illustrated that insidious degradation is evidenced in absence of birds to sing and move across the mountains, because of people’s behavior to devastate the natural environment.[6] This assertion was quite simple but very profound in the sense that it created the awareness that industrial chemicals were bound to destroy the peace and tranquility in the natural world. One critical element we endeavored to include in our project is recycling. Recycling is understood to be â€Å"aspirin, alleviating a rather large collective hangover†¦overconsumption.†[7] To us, the use of recycled materials was a measure of lowering the environmental effect of garbage materials. The recycling culture entails producing and then disposing less.[8] We strongly believe that our project is an instrument through which one can create awareness about eco-friendly approach to business. Through a project like ours, we believe biodiversity loss is reduced. Biodiversity is very critical because an ecosystem is only stable when biodiversity is enhanced[9]. Bibliography Livio, DeSimone D. Frank Popoff. Eco-Efficiency: The Business Link to Sustainable Development. Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2000. McDonough, William and Mi chael Braungart. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. New York: North Point Press, 2002.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Michael, Redclift R. â€Å"Sustainable Development (1997-2005) – An Oxymoron Comes of Age†. Sustainable Development 13 (2005): pp.212-227. Raimund, Bleischwitz Peter Hennicke. Eco-Efficiency, Regulation and Sustainable Business: Towards A Governance Structure for Sustainable Development. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004. Spedding, Linda S. Environmental Management for Business. 2nd Ed. New York: J. Wiley, 1996. Footnotes Linda S. Spedding, Environmental Management for Business. 2nd Ed., (New York: J. Wiley, 1996), 33 Ibid, 41 Bleischwitz Raimund Peter Hennicke, Eco-Efficiency, Regulation, and Sustainable Business: Towards A Governance Structure for Sustainable Development (Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004), 113 Michael Redclift, â€Å"Sustainable Development (1997-2005) – An Oxymoron Comes of Age†, Sustainable Development 13 (2005),212 William McDonough and Mi chael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, (New York: North Point Press, 2002), 47 Idem William and Braungart, 47 Idem DeSimone, Livio D. Frank Popoff, Eco-Efficiency: The Business Link to Sustainable Development  (Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2000), 35. This essay on The Business Link to Sustainable Development was written and submitted by user Adelina S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ground Sloths - A Survivor of the Megafaunal Extinction

Ground Sloths - A Survivor of the Megafaunal Extinction Giant ground sloth (Megatheriinae) is the common name for several species of large bodied mammals (megafauna) who evolved and lived exclusively on the American continents. The superorder Xenarthranswhich includes anteaters and armadillosemerged in Patagonia during the Oligocene (34-23 million years ago), then diversified and dispersed throughout South America. The first giant ground sloths appeared in South America at least as long ago as the late Miocene (Friasian, 23-5 mya), and by the Late Pliocene (Blancan, ca. 5.3-2.6 mya) arrived in North America. Most of the large forms died out during the late Pleistocene, although there is recently discovered evidence of ground sloth survival in central America as recently as 5,000 years ago. There are nine species (and up to 19 genera) of giant sloths known from four families: Megatheriidae (Megatheriinae); Mylodontidae (Mylodontinae and Scelidotheriinae), Nothrotheriidae, and Megalonychidae. Pre-Pleistocene remains are very sparse (except for Eremotheriaum eomigrans), but there are lots of fossils from the Pleistocene, especially Megatherium americanum in South America, and E. laurillardi in both South and North America. E. laurillardi was a large, intertropical species known as the Panamanian giant ground sloth, who may well have survived into the late Pleistocene. Life as a Ground Sloth Ground sloths were mostly herbivores. A study on over 500 preserved feces (coprolites) of the Shasta ground sloth (Nothrotheriops shastense) from Rampart Cave, Arizona (Hansen) indicate that they mainly dined on desert globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) Nevada mormontea (Ephedra nevadensis) and saltbushes (Atriplex spp). A 2000 study (Hofreiter and colleagues) found that the diet of sloths living in and around Gypsum Cave in Nevada changed over time, from pine and mulberries around 28,000 cal BP, to capers and mustards at 20,000 years bp; and to saltbushes and other desert plants at 11,000 years bp, an indication of changing climate in the region. Ground sloths lived in a variety of ecosystem types, from treeless scrublands in Patagonia to wooded valleys in North Dakota, and it seems that they were fairly adaptive in their diets. Despite their adaptability, they almost certainly were killed off, as with other megafaunal extinctions, with the assistance of the first set of human colonists into the Americas. Ranking by Size Giant ground sloths are loosely categorized by size: small, medium and large. In some studies, the size of the various species seems to be continuous and overlapping, although some juvenile remains are definitely larger than the adult and subadult remains of the small group. Cartell and De Iuliis argue that the difference is size is evidence that some of the species were sexually dimorphic. Megatherium altiplanicum (small, femur length about 387.5 mm or 15 inches), and about 200 kilograms or 440 pounds per adult individuals) Megatherium sundti (medium, femur length about 530 mm, 20 in) Megatherium americanum (large, femur length between 570-780 mm, 22-31 in; and up to 3000 kg, 6600 lb per individual) All of the extinct continental genera were ground rather than arboreal, that is to say, lived outside of trees, although the only survivors are their small (4-8 kg, 8-16 lb) tree-dwelling descendants. Recent Survivals Most of the megafauna (mammals with bodies greater than 45 kg, or 100 lbs) in the Americas died out at the end of the Pleistocene after the retreat of the glaciers and about the time of the first human colonization of the Americas. However, evidence for ground sloth survival into the late Pleistocene has been found in a handful of archaeological sites, where research indicates that humans were preying on ground sloths. One of the very old sites thought by some scholars to be evidence of humans is the Chazumba II site in Oaxaca state, Mexico, dated between 23,000-27,000 calendar years BP [cal BP] (Vià ±as-Vallverdà º and colleagues). That site includes a possible cutmarkbutchery markon a giant sloth bone, as well as a few lithics such as retouched flakes, hammers, and anvils. Shasta ground sloth (Nothrotheriops shastense) dung has been found in several caves in the southwestern United States, dated to as late as 11,000-12,100 radiocarbon years before the present RCYBP. There are also similar survivals for other members of the Nothrotheriops species found in caves in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile; the youngest of those are 16,000-10,200 RCYBP. Solid Evidence for Human Consumption Evidence for human consumption of ground sloths exists at Campo Laborde, 9700-6750 RCYBP in the Talpaque Creek, Pampean region of Argentina (Messineo and Politis). This site includes an extensive bone bed, with over 100 individuals of M. americanum, and smaller numbers of glyptodons, panamanian hare (Dolichotis patagonum, vizcacha, peccary, fox, armadillo, bird, and camelid. Stone tools are relatively sparse at Campo Laborde, but they include a quartzite side-scraper and a bifacial projectile point, as well as flakes and micro-flakes. Several sloth bones have butchery marks, and the site is interpreted as a single event involving the butchery of a single giant ground sloth. In North Dakota in the central US, evidence shows that Megalonyx jeffersonii, Jeffersons ground sloth (first described by the U.S. President Thomas Jefferson and his physician friend Caspar Wistar in 1799), were still fairly widely distributed across the NA continent, from Old Crow Basin in Alaska to southern Mexico and from coast to coast, about 12,000 years RCYBP and just before most of the sloth extinction (Hoganson and McDonald). The most recent evidence for ground sloth survival is from the West Indian islands of Cuba and Hispaniola (Steadman and colleagues). Cueva Beruvides in Matanzas Province of Cuba held a humerus of the largest West Indies sloth, the Megalocnus rodens, dated between 7270 and 6010 cal BP; and the smaller form Parocnus brownii has been reported from the tar pit Las Breas de San Felipe in Cuba between 4,950-14,450 cal BP. Seven examples of Neocnus comes have been found in Haiti, dated between 5220-11,560 cal BP. Sources and Further Information Cartelle C, and De Iuliis G. 2006. Eremotherium Laurillardi (Lund) (Xenarthra, Megatheriidae), the Panamerican giant ground sloth: Taxonomic aspects of the ontogeny of skull and dentition. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 4(2):199-209.Hansen RM. 1978. Shasta ground sloth food habits, Rampart Cave, Arizona. Paleobiology 4(3):302-319.Hofreiter M, Poinar HN, Spaulding WG, Bauer K, Martin PS, Possnert G, and Pbo S. 2000. A molecular analysis of ground sloth diet through the last glaciation. Molecular Ecology 9(12):1975-1984.Hoganson JW, and McDonald HG. 2007. First Report of Jeffersons Ground Sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) in North Dakota: Paleobiogeographical and Paleoecological Significance. Journal of Mammalogy 88(1):73-80.Iuliis GD, Pujos F, and Tito G. 2009. Systematic and Taxonomic Revision of the Pleistocene Ground Sloth Megatherium (Pseudomegatherium) Tarijense (Xenarthra: Megatheriidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29(4):1244-1251.Messineo PG, and Politis GG. 2009. New Radiocarbon Dates from the Campo Laborde Site (Pampean Region, Argentina) Support the Holocene Survival of Giant Ground Sloth and Glyptodonts. Current Research in the Pleistocene 26:5-9. Pereira ICdS, Dantas MAT, and Ferreira RL. 2013. Record of the giant sloth Valgipes bucklandi (Lund, 1839) (Tardigrada, Scelidotheriinae) in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, with notes on taphonomy and paleoecology. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 43:42-45.Steadman DW, Martin PS, MacPhee RDE, Jull AJT, McDonald HG, Woods CA, Iturralde-Vinent M, and Hodgins GWL. 2005. Asynchronous extinction of late Quaternary sloths on continents and islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(33):11763-11768.Vià ±as-Vallverdà º R, Arroyo-Cabrales J, Rivera-Gonzlez II, Xosà © Pedro R-, Rubio-Mora A, Eudave-Eusebio IN, Solà ­s-Torres ÓR, and Ardelean CF. 2015. Recent archaeo-palaeontological findings from Barranca del Muerto site, Santiago Chazumba, Oaxaca, Mà ©xico. Quaternary International in press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Temperature Control In Foods (Milk) Delivered To Hospitals In Saudi Research Proposal

Temperature Control In Foods (Milk) Delivered To Hospitals In Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example This research study is likely to make a significant difference with regard to milk storage and delivery not only in the medical setting but also in other sectors like milk processing and storage in retail shops such as supermarkets. This will be achieved as a result of the researcher making applicable recommendations that are within the requirements of the Saudi Food & Drug Authority, the body that is in charge of ensuring that all food substances reaching the citizens are within the required standards. The body works with other relevant stakeholders like the ministry of health in cross-examining the quality of the foodstuffs and drugs in the state's market. This research conducts using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, meaning that the researcher will combine both qualitative and quantitative research concepts. The researcher uses quantitative tactics in collecting data relating to temperature control in milk delivered in hospitals in Saudi Arabia. During this research study, the researcher is not likely to be in a situation that may lead to a violation of respondents’ rights. However, the researcher will safeguard respondents’ right to privacy by withholding any information that they may feel confident or secretive like business secrets, profitability, or any other area that the researcher may be interested in investigating. In addition, the researcher will ensure that respondents are aware that their businesses are being examined for academic purposes though the findings may be used as reference sources during other studies.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reliability and Fault Tolerance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reliability and Fault Tolerance - Essay Example Report also indicates that several patients suffered serious injuries during the accident. In fact, the Therac-25 accident has been described as the worst ever series of radiation accidents in more than three decades of accelerator medical history (Leveson 1995, p. 18). This paper seeks to present a detailed analysis of the Therac-25 radiation overdose accident in light of technologies and equipments involved, what caused the accident and its consequences. The essay will also explore measures that ought to have been taken to prevent the accident. The Therac-25 radiation overdose accident of between June 1985 and January 1987 has been described as the worst ever radiation accident in the history of medical accelerators. The accidents resulted from the radiation overdose caused by the Therac-25 therapy machine. Report indicates that at least six patients were overdosed in a span of about 2 years due to faults of the machine. Report indicates that the radiation overdose was several time s the normal therapeutic dose resulting in severe burns and death, in some cases (Leveson 1995, p. 18). The first complaint of an accident was reported on June 3, 1985, when a female patient was placed on a 10-MeV electron treatment to clavicle area. However, few minutes after turning on of the Therac-25 machine, the patient complained of extreme force of heat on the body. It is then that the patient complained of having been burned by the machine. ... Nevertheless, the company still failed to investigate whether Therac-25 burned the patients or not. Shortly afterwards, the patient developed reddening and swelling at the area treated by the machine. The pain increased to a level that shoulder began freezing as spasms continued to appear. The patient’s condition continued to worsen, clearly indicating that the patient had suffered from radiation (Nancy and Clark 1993, p.19). A second series of the accident occurred at Ontario Cancer Foundation in 1985 just a week after the first patient had been overdosed at Kennestone. Report indicates that the Therac-25 at the Hamilton clinic had been in use for about six months (Leveson, Turner and Sarin 1993). However, on July 26, 1985, a patient aged 40 years old visited the hospital for the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. Leveson, Turner, and Sarin (1993) indicate that the Therac-25 machine shut down barely five minutes after activation. This time around, the machine indicated an â€Å"H-tilt† error message. It also displayed a â€Å"no dose† and ‘treatment pause† (Nancy and Clark 1993, p.19). Despite these warnings, the operator went ahead to press the proceed button expecting the Therac-25 machine to deliver the right does this time around. Despite this being, a normal procedure since the machine had shown such faults before the machine still failed to operate. The procedure was repeated several time, but the machine showed suspend. The operator continued with the treatment after which the patient began complaining of a burning sensation on the treatment area, which she described as an â€Å"electric tingling shock† (Leveson, Turner and Sarin 1993). Other patients were successfully treated that day without accidents. The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Car Accidents Essay Example for Free

Car Accidents Essay I. The Student Union has the following objectives for a better university. A. Enhance the unity between students and strengthen the ties between them and other members of university community. B. Spread the culture and encourage the formation of Active Working Groups (AWGs) and student associations, and coordinating work between them and supporting their activities by providing financial support and manpower if needed. C. Work on solving the problems of students and provide a better university life within the university and beyond. D. Discuss the problems of the students and propose solutions to them, with the concerned officials and care after the rights and interests of students. E. Expressing the student  community’s opinion on national and international levels. F. Discover the talents and abilities of the students, help them refine their Skills, enhance their leadership skills and encourage them to benefit their society. II. The formation of the Student Union consists of a Student Council, six committees, Presidential Cabinet, Senate, Club’s Coordination Committee (CCC), and the Student Union Partnership Office (SU PO). (Show slide and pass out the brochures) A. The Student Council is the students’ voice and it is concerned with their opinion on all matter and decisions directly related to them. Its formation is: 1. The Faculty Union which is responsible for looking after each faculty needs. It consists of two members from each faculty in each committee. There are a President and a Faculty Treasurer for each faculty elected directly by students. 2. The University Union which is responsible for looking after the university needs. It consists of one member from each faculty in each committee. There is a head for each committee elected internally by the members of each Committee. 3. In each committee the three members are from three different Academic years. 4. The elections for the high board is required which is done within the student council itself. It consists of the Presidential Cabinet, six heads of the committees of the University Union and six faculty presidents from the Faculty Union. 5. The Student Council committees are as follows: a. Scientific Technological Activities Committee holds workshops and lectures aiming at developing the scientific and technological abilities. b. Culture, Arts Political Awareness Committee supports and organizes cultural and artistic activities seminars, conferences, exhibitions, debates and all forms of political activities. c. Planning Resources Committee which is responsible for preparing the needed resources for the events. It also helps to plan and organize the events. d. Sports Committee supports and organizes training programs, tournaments and all forms of sportive activities. e. Trips Social activities Committee organizes educational and entertainment trips. f. Public Environmental Services strive to increase environmental awareness between students and organize events and activities. B. The Presidential Cabinet of the  Student Union manages the affairs of the Student Union and supervises its progress. It is tasked with: 1. Acting as chief representative and spokesperson of the Student Union. 2. Ensuring that all committees are functioning properly and fulfilling their duties. 3. Ensuring that the objectives of the Student Union are realized. 4. Calling at least two general meetings every semester, attended by all Student Union members including members of the Senate. 5. Calling weekly meetings to discuss the progress of work in the Student Union. 6. After the new President is elected the former President has to handle all the properties of Student Union such as the Student Union room and its belongings, the official page on facebook, the e-mail 7. The Presidential Cabinet consists of four core positions. They are as follows: a. Vice-President which is responsible for fulfilling any tasks of the Student Union President that are delegated to him/her or that the President is unable to perform. b. Treasurer which is responsible for the Student Union budget, its financial statements and its financial affairs. c. Vice-President for Events Student Activities which is responsible for coordinating the events between the different entities in the Student Union and between the Student Union and the Club’s Coordination Committee. d. Vice-President for Planning and Resource which is responsible for conducting a timeline for the Student Union events, and providing the resources needed. C. The Student Union Partnership Office consists of the Student Union President and the six heads of the University Union Committees. It aims to form a bond between the Student Union in the university and Student Unions of foreign universities, to exchange information, experiences educational programs. D. The Senate consists of two elected members from each faculty each given the title ’Senator’. The Senate is responsible for evaluating the performance of the Student Union members and recommending corrective action where and if needed. E. The Club’s Coordination Committee’s purpose is to aid clubs to coordinate with each other and it reports directly to the Student Union president. It consists of a representative of every club in the university delegated by heads, Vice president of events and activities, and director of youth welfare. III. There are some rules and regulations for the nominee. A. Not under probation. B. No history of disciplinary actions. C. Not been terminated from the previous Student Union. D. Paid the Student Union annual fees. E. Spent at least two semesters as students at the GUC. F. Not a member of any active working group. CONCLUSION I. Summary A. The Student Union’s main aim is to discuss the problems of the students and propose solutions to them. B. The Student Union consists of Student council, six committees, Presidential Cabinet, Senate, Club’s Coordination Committee (CCC), and the Student Union Partnership Office. C. The solution is to vote for the most suitable nominee and attend the debates in order to choose the best program provided by the nominees for a better university life. II. Clincher A. Please vote to support the students’ right. B. Campaigns and a booth are held to show the importance of voting for the Student Union. BIBLIOGRAPHY By-Laws of the General Assembly of the Student Union in the German University in Cairo 2013 Student Union Bylaws presentation

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Interracial Figures of the American Renaissance Essay -- Literature Es

Interracial Figures of the American Renaissance      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay examines Cora from The Last of the Mohicans, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Ann Jacobs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American Renaissance marks a period of social injustice and the fight of the minority to bring about social change. Women and African-Americans (who were freed or escaped from slavery) begin to gain a voice through literacy, and use that voice to start the movement to abolish slavery and gain women rights. The development of literacy makes it impossible to ignore women and African-Americans because their writing provides a permanent record of the horrors of slavery and injustice of oppressing the minority groups. Furthermore, the gain in literacy by these groups makes Anglo-Saxons face the realities of their world and challenges the American dream. Perhaps the most fascinating result of the destruction to the American dream is the introduction of the interracial character. During this period of history (and long after it) the myth existed th at the races were pure. Judith R. Berzon in her book Neither White Nor Black: The Mulatto Character in American Fiction, attributes the emergence of interracial characters in the nineteenth and twentieth century to "(1) a widespread fear of miscegenation; (2) the tenacious view that mulattoes are a ÃŽdegenerate, sterile and short-lived breedà ¢ ; (3) the unresolved dilemma of the social and economic roles of the emancipated African-American; and (4) the unease with which Caucasians generally regarded those who carry traits of both racial groups" (19). The interracial characters exposed the reality in America, that the children of slaves on the plantation were a result of white slave owners having intercourse with their slaves. Co... ...s, an American Slave." Paul Laufer, ed. The Heath Anthology of American Literature, vol 1, 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. Douglass, Frederick. "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July." Paul Laufer, ed. The Heath Anthology of American Literature, vol 1, 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. Jacobs, Harriet Ann. "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl." Paul Laufer, ed. The Heath Anthology of American Literature, vol 1, 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. Kinney, James. Amalgamation! Race, Sex, and Rhetoric in the Nineteenth-Century American Novel. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985. Mills, Charles W. "Whose Fourth of July? Frederick Douglass and ÃŽOriginal Intent.à ¢" Bill E. Lawson and Frank M. Kirkland, eds. Frederick Douglass: A Critical Reader. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

McCarthyism and the Crucible Essay

Throughout history there have been many events that are direct parallels of each other. These parallels are evident in Joseph McCarthy’s, McCarthyism and in Arthur Miller’s, the Crucible. McCarthyism was the fear of communism that was created by the Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy. This was a time of fear after the Second World War in the years 1950 through 1954. McCarthy had conducted hearings accusing people who were suspected of being related to communism. During these hearings, he forced people to give up names of other â€Å"followers† and if they refused to give names of others, they were imprisoned. In Arthur Miller’s, the Crucible it was a based off the Salem Witch Trials. This era had the same tactics of dealing with the supposed followers as McCarthyism, but in this case it was for witchcraft. Many people were accused of witchcraft and put to death for being related to the accusations. The Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism were both examples o f false accusations and public hysteria. The Crucible and McCarthyism were both fueled by fear. In the onset of the Crucible, Abigail, a woman who was in love with John Proctor, began blaming people of being affiliated with witchcraft and communicating with the devil. She said, â€Å"She made me do it! She made Betty do it.. She makes me drink blood!† (Miller I.43). Abby had blamed Tituba about being a part of witchcraft and it soon lead to her death because she couldn’t plead innocent. During this time the courts would just blame you for being a part of witchcraft and it was almost impossible to prove your innocence. Abigail kept blaming people and soon created the fear in the town because they believe she would blame them next. Many people became very cautious of their actions in the town because they were afraid of being accused. McCarthyism was fueled by the fear of the communists taking over and a potential nuclear war. Joseph McCarthy installed this fear into everyone because neither he nor the United States knew who was a communist or not. There had been spies that snuck into the states. The trust of people was lost and everyone was  afraid of being accused themselves. In William Pfaffs, Revisionist View of McCarthyism Misses the Mark, he states, â€Å"McCarthyism was not about spies, it was about people who had been communist party members, or who had expresses pro-Communist or fellow traveling sympathies.† McCarthy had been cautious of the potential threats but he took it to far. It was almost impossible to prove your innocence. He made it so hard that to prove your innocence you had to tell the government about someone else who had affiliation with the communist life style. McCarthyism and the Witch Trials had different ways of following through with their prosecutions. During the Salem Witch Trials, the people who were accused of witchcraft and denied their affiliation with the devil were hanged. There was no sympathy to the false accusitions they made. When John Proctor takes the blame for his own wife, to avoid her death he accepts the punishment but will not sign that he is affiliated, Hale says â€Å"Excellent is it enough he confess himself. Let him sign it, let him sign it.† (Miller IV.141) John Proctor believes that his word is worth the amount of his signature because if he were to sign he would be signing his life way. He would lose his dignity and eventually he lost his life. During McCarthyism nobody was killed for being accused. Most people were imprisoned and came out of prison with a bad reputation. A major example of this was the Hollywood Ten. These were people in the filmmaking industry who were accused of communism. McCarthy assumed that they were affiliated because of their movies, or shows had hidden messages telling people to follow communism. After many court hearings these celebrities were convicted. In HCUA and The Hollywood Ten, â€Å"during and after the trials The Hollywood Ten were blacklisted. This meant that no one in the business would work with them for fear that they would be labeled a communist.† The Hollywood Ten lost their income because they had a lack of work and many of them received no further entry back into the film industry and also a bad reputation. Both of these historical events caused for public humiliation and fear. McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials were very complex events in history. From false accusations, fear, public humiliation and also public hysteria, these two events played a big role in the history of the United States.  McCarthyism was the fear of communism and in the Crucible it was the fear of witchcraft. The United States has faced many potential problems with fear and these two problems being an example of this concept. Both McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials were different events but show many correlations between each other.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Indonesia Essay

In the past, people in the Indonesia used to eat healthy and freshly prepared food with their families in their home. However, many people, particularly young people, prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and pizza because it is really tasty. There are several causes and effects of consuming fast food, and this change has occurred such as change in lifestyle, influence in advertising, impact on health, loss of the family tradition of eating together, and impact on the economy. First, there are several causes for the popularity of fast food. A first reason is the change in lifestyle. Many people in the Indonesia are working long hours, shifts, or extended school days. They do not have time to find ingredients or prepare good food. A second reason is advertising. The Indonesia is a modern with all forms of media such as the Internet and satellite television, and people like to try new products and different kinds of fast food. However, this change can have some serious effects. One effect is on health. Many people in the Indonesia  are becoming obese. These people will be less productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Another result of fast food culture is the loss of the family tradition of eating together. Children and adults rarely eat together now, and thus get less opportunity to talk. A further effect is on the economy. Although fast food is not very expensive, it is more expensive than cooking properly for yourselves. Many of the fast-food companies are franchisees of foreign corporations, so profits leave the country. In conclusion, fast food, although it is convenient and delicious, it can have serious health and social effects. People should learn to choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food in good company.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Romanov Women Who Ruled Russia essays

The Romanov Women Who Ruled Russia essays The last Royal line to rule Russia was the Romanovs, out of this house six women ruled Russia. Sophia Alekseevna Romanov was acting Regent over Tsars Ivan V and Peter I from 1682 - 1689. Peter Is second wife Catherine I, would rule from 1725 -1727 after Peters death. Anne Ivanovna then ruled for ten years after the death of Peter II in 1730. For one year Anna Leopoldovna would be regent of her son Ivan VI. Elizabeth Petrovna would take control in 1741 and rule for 21 years. The last woman to rule Russia was Catherine II from 1762 1796 after the death of Peter III. Each would come in to power in their own way, but all would rule in the tsarist tradition. Tsarevna Sophia was born on September 17, 1657. The prospects of Sophia ruling Russia, with five brothers, was slight. Sophia however was tutored by Simeon Polotsky along with her brothers. Her middle brother Simeon died in June of 1669 and Aleksei the heir-apparent died in January of 1670. When Tsar Aleksei I died in January of 1676 the frail Fedor III became Tsar at fourteen. Some say this is when Sophia had her first taste of power as she was always at Fedor III side and that she even ruled through him. When Fedor III died four years later with no living heirs, the handicapped Ivan V at sixteen and younger half-brother Peter I at nine were both crowned tsar after the Rebellion of 1682. Again it has been said the Sophia had plotted with the streltsy guards before the rebellion, but in all accounts she did emerge as the main figure of authority during this three day period. It was then petitioned that Sophia supervise over both of the young tsars till they were able (mainly Ivan VI, who would always need guidance) to rule on their own. So Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna Romanov was now regent of all Russia. During Sophias Regency, art, architecture and literature would display a distinctive new style referred to as &apos...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Quotations with Colons

Quotations with Colons Quotations with Colons Quotations with Colons By Mark Nichol Colons frequently crop up as transitional punctuation preceding a quotation, but that particular punctuation mark is usually not a good choice, as explained in the discussions that follow the sentences below; a revision follows each discussion. 1. The graffiti included the words: â€Å"Black lives matter.† This simple declarative statement requires no punctuation between the descriptive opening phrase and the quotation: â€Å"The graffiti included the words ‘Black lives matter.’† (There is an unlikely exception: The words have been previously alluded to, and now they are being explicitly stated. In that case, the colon is appropriate.) 2. Smith planned to head to the region immediately and promised people in the area: â€Å"No individual, no family, no community will be left behind.† In journalism, a colon is often used to signal that a quotation is about to follow an attribution, but a comma is much more appropriate, because whereas colons generally punctuate with the halting force of a period, a comma is more smoothly transitional: â€Å"Smith planned to head to the region later Wednesday and promised people in the area, ‘No individual, no family, no community will be left behind.’† (If the attribution constitutes a complete thought, a colon is correct, as in this revision: â€Å"Smith planned to head to the region later Wednesday, and his promise to the people in the area was emphatic: ‘No individual, no family, no community will be left behind.’†) 3. The question is: â€Å"How did the outcome of World War I contribute to the advent of World War II?† This sentence presumably refers to a written question on an examination of some kind, as in a high school history test, but whether it is a quotation or simply part of a narrative, a colon is obstructive (as explained in the previous item), and, just as a comma generally follows an attribution (such as â€Å"she said†) that introduces a quotation- again, see above- a comma is appropriate to separate the setup phrase here and the quotation: â€Å"The question is, ‘How did the outcome of World War I contribute to the advent of World War II?’† (If the question is merely posed in a narrative, rather than a reproduction of a written question, the quotation marks- and the capitalization of the first word- aren’t necessary: â€Å"The question is, how did the outcome of World War I contribute to the advent of World War II?† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101Empathy "With" or Empathy "For"?Apostrophe with Plural Possessive Nouns

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Curriculum Vitae Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Curriculum Vitae - Essay Example You should have solid network & Server support skills predominantly in the 2k/2k3 arena. You should be heading towards the MCSA/MCSE or at least have the relevant level of skill to carry out daily duties (The qualification itself is not necessary although would be beneficial). You will also need strong skills in networking protocols, Citrix, Active Directory & Exchange 2000/2003. If you have experience of anti-virus/byware/backup (Veritas) &/or Cisco Routers & Switches it would be advantageous to your application. You will be a hard working, have a passion to succeed & a get it done attitude. This position will help develop your skill-sets & advance your career in the long-term as the firm is a well established, financially successful enterprise. Send me your CV now. Spare Time Interests: My favourite past time would be sports particularly watching Football. I enjoy keeping fit and am a regular visitor at my local gym. I also endeavour to travel however; I have only had the opportunity to visit the Asian sub-continent and North America as yet. I am an honest, trustworthy, hardworking individual who has the ability to adapt to any environment and acquire the skills necessary to ensure this. A responsible individual with the ability to engage in detail planning and possess good organisational skills.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Design of a product or service prototype (BUS CATCHER) Essay

Design of a product or service prototype (BUS CATCHER) - Essay Example The paper tells that the use of public transport for commuting in the US is still very low compared to other countries. The estimated share of public transport market share (motorized travel) is less than 4% barring exceptions like New York (9.6%) and San Francisco (5.0%), being as low as less than 1% in more than half the states. Small as this may be, the total amount of fuel saved from public transportation use currently is estimated to be equal to 1.4 billion gallons of gasoline (based on 2004 figures), In terms of total barrels of crude oil, this would be the equivalent of 33.5 million barrels of crude oil. Increase of commuting is a desirable goal and has policy support. Apart from this reasons like congestion on the roads, savings in commuting time would be seen as the chief reasons for a commuter to prefer public transport over using own cars. Typically a product or a service that gives enhanced value for a customer would what make a customer to switch to a service or a produc t. There is a big opportunity here for bus operators to create this critical additional value through use of ICT to induce commuters to switch over in a big way to using public transport like buses. Bailey estimates that for an US population of 7.2 million non-drivers, 50% 0f which is people above the age of 654, public transportation is the only alternative, when they are going somewhere outside their immediate neighborhood. She also observes most U.S. residents still do not have the option of using public transportation to get places.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare and contrast of two artworks (art history) Essay

Compare and contrast of two artworks (art history) - Essay Example The general term ‘artwork’ is used in comparing and contrasting since Durer’s work is an engraving and not a painting like Titian’s. Durer, in his depiction of Adam and Eve, is meticulous with balance and proportion in such a way that Adam is almost like Eve’s female counterpart. Both characters have curly hair, and both are nude with covered private parts. Durer’s engraving gives the magical illusion that the characters are somewhat standing out from its dark background (Silver and Smith 49). His work is like a three dimensional image. He uses ink as a medium to darken the background (Silver and Smith 49). His style is what is known as Northern Renaissance in European Art. Like Durer, Titian likes to portray subjects in nude or semi-nude. By contrast, Titian’s Concert Champà ªtre painting is oil on canvas. His love for nature is shown by his vibrant display of the natural colors of an outdoor environment, as opposed to black and white. In effect, his style is more realistic, especially the women’s bodies whose skin texture is quite realistic. His style is considered Italian High Renaissance, Venetian School. The similarities involved are their fondness for the outdoors and how their subjects seem to be interacting with each other in harmony. Also, each of the human subject’s hand is busy holding something. Concert Champà ªtre involves musical instruments, while Adam and Eve shows the biblical ‘forbidden fruit.’ During this time, central Europe had been the ‘seat of religious upheaval,’ which might have played a role in the artist’s choice for a subject. At first glance, there are no traces of writing in Titian’s artwork compared to Durer’s branding, which translates to â€Å"Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg† (Johnson 124). In Concert Champà ªtre, the man carrying a lute and wearing silk looks out of place (Graham-Dixon 251).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Country Research Report Colombia About Colombia History Essay

Country Research Report Colombia About Colombia History Essay When Gran Colombia collapsed in 1830, Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged along with Ecuador and Venezuela. In Latin America, Columbia is the fourth largest economy and in South America it is the third largest (Republic of Colombia). Colombia is the member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and also the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It is also one of the continents most heavily populated nations. Its capital city Bogota, which was formerly known as Santa Fe de Bogota is located in the center of the country. The country has 32 administrative regions (called departamentos) plus the capital district which has its own autonomous administrative. (Industrial Field of Colombia)  . History Facts and Figures: Official Name: The official name of Colombia is Republica de Colombia. But the conventional long form of the name is Republic of Colombia and the short form, which is widely known, is Colombia. Earlier it was known as United States of Colombia (Republic of Colombia). Land Areas: The country has land area of 401,042 sq mi (1,038,699 sq km) and a total coastline of 3,207 kilometers (1,993 miles) spread between the Caribbean Sea and North Pacific Ocean. Geography: Relative Location Colombia looks like an odd-looking pear which has a thin top. Columbia is just about the similar dimension as of France, Germany and United Kingdom and United States is 9 times the size of this country. Located in the northwestern corner of South America, the country lies entirely within the tropics. Colombia is surrounded by Panama in northwest, by Venezuela and Brazil in the east, by Peru and Ecuador in the southwest, the three Andean ranges run north to south through the western half of the country. The eastern half of the country is low, jungle-covered plain with Amazon and Orinoco Rivers.teh Andes western, central and eastern cordilleras (mountain ranges) run parallel south-west to north-east. The valley of the eastern range and the fertile plateau are the most thickly populated areas of the country (Columbian Facts). Geographical Map of Colombia images (1).jpg (Geography of Colombia). Population Flag: According to population, The Republic of Columbia is the 27th largest country in the world . In overall population, Columbia ranks fourth in Latin America and in density it holds tenth position. The estimated population of the country (2012) is  45,239,079 with the growth rate of about 1.36 % (according to the report published by World Bank in 2012). The estimated birth rate is 17.23 per 1000 with infant mortality rate of 15.92 per 1000. The life expectancy is expected to be 74.79 and density per sq km is 43. The majority of Colombians live in the western coastal area of the country which means that the region east of the Andes mountain chain is thinly populated (Colombia). After the end of World War II, the countrys population grew dramatically, growing by 3.2 percent per year. In 1951 the population was 11.5 million but got doubled in the year 1973 to 22.9 million. The population is expected to attain 53.2 million by the year 2015. The country was one of those few countries of Latin America to have adopted the family planning as an authorized policy and to include it in their development plans. Distribution of population is highly uneven. About 94.5 % of the population is concentrated on 42 percent of the country, in plateaus and basins over Andes cordilleras and the valleys of Magdalena and Cauca rivers. About 58 percent of the country inhibits mere 5.5 percent of the population. The largest part of the population of country lives in the Central Highlands in the pleasant and cool region and the remainder in the Caribbean lowlands (Country Overview). According to the recent studies done in the Republic of Colombia, about 30.7% of the total population of the country consists of children below the age of 14 years, 64.2 % is the percentage of the age group between the age of 15 years and 64 years and 5.2% above 65 years age (Population of Colombia). The flag of Columbia is inspired by Christophers Columbus flag which he used in his expedition. It has three horizontal bands. The first part is yellow, the second (middle) part is blue, and the third (bottom) part is red. Yellow color of first part represents the gold found in the country. Blue color is a sign of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea that borders the country; it also corresponds to the equality of all races and classes in the countrys society. Red color stands for the sacrifices and blood spilled by the martyrs in the struggle of independence (Colombia Flag).   download.jpg Source: (Colombia Flag). Francisco Miranda created the national flag of Colombia on March 12, 1807, who was an eminent figure Lin fight for independence of the country. Miranda, Lino de Clemente and Jose Sata, offered the flag at the Congress of Venezuela in 1811 and was adopted as the national flag.   In 1834, Francisco de Paula Santander wanted some modification in the flag so that the stripes should run vertically instead of horizontally.   Later in 1861, President Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera ordered that eight stars should be positioned on the blue stripes to represent the eight provinces that make the  Estados Unidos de Colombia  (United States of Colombia) and that the yellow stripe should be positioned in the middle.  Ã‚   In addition to that, he also ordered that like original the stripes should be in horizontal position, as done by Miranda in 1807. Again in 1909, Simon Bolivar ordered that Mirandas design should be restored as the flag of Colombia .The flag was constantly modified in terms of placement of the stripes and their size. In the year 1934,    President Enrique Olaya Herrera established the present flag, which was designed by Miranda in 1807 as the National flag (National Flag of Colombia). Currency: The official currency of Colombia is the Columbian Peso which is denoted by COP or COL$. The bills are available in the denominations of $1K, $2K, $5K, $10K, $20K, and $50K. The coins are available in $50, $100, $200, $500 and $1000 (Columbian Currency). currency_looks_like_colom2 (1).gifcurrency_looks_like_colom1.gifcurrency_looks_like_colom2.gif National Day: Every year 20 July is celebrated as independence in Colombia when it claimed its freedom from Spain in the year 1810. It is happened that on July 20, 1810, Colombian nationalists stimulated the people of Bogota in streets to protest against Spanish rule. The Viceroy was forced to allow some degree of independence which later became everlasting. From then, July 20 is celebrated in Colombia as Independence Day. The Colombians are known to celebrate this day with great patriotism and enjoy with festivities, parades, traditional food and parties (National Day of Colombia). Industrial field: Colombia is basically a liberated market economy with key commercial and investment ties to the United States.  The countrys industrial hub developed around four urban areas:  Bogota (the capital city), Medellin, Cali, and Barranquilla. The other centers developed in the departments of Boyaca, Magdalena, Narià ±o, and Santander.  The mining sector of the country comprises of oil production and coal.. Its major oil export market is the United States. Oil Production is sited primarily in the Cusiana and Cupiagua fields in the Andes foothills and in the Cano Limon field in the vicinity of the Venezuelan border. All the foreign investment in the petroleum exploration and its development are done on a profit-sharing relationship contract between the investors and Ecopetrol (the state petroleum company). Most of Colombias natural gas production is done in the Guajira region. The country fabricates more than 90 percent of the worlds total emerald production and it is also known to be the second-largest South American producer of gold. It is also one of the most important coal producers in Latin America. Colombia has plentiful water wealth for hydroelectric power and so is second only to Brazil in Latin America. Hydroelectric powers offer more than 70% of countrys electricity power generation. A great deal of Colombias hydroelectric production is situated in the mountainous northwest part of the country, which produces about 40% of the hydroelectric power (Industrial Field of Colombia). The economic landscape of Colombia has changed considerably in the last 40 years, and it is shown by the changes in the manufacturing industry by the late twentieth century. Industrial manufacturing in Colombia is quite speckled. Manufacturing units are mostly located in the provinces of Antioquia, Cauca, in the capital region area, and some in Barranquilla, on the Atlantic coast. The most important products include basic chemicals, beverages, milling and cereal processing, oil refining, textiles, paper and derived products. Textiles and chemicals are at the top for nearly 40 % of all exports of the country. The construction industry (approx. 7000 companies) is one of the largest employment sectors in Colombia (Industry). Commercial Field: In the recent times, the global commercial sector represents 65% of the total world product and around 25% of business transactions in the worldwide. Particularly in the commercial sector of Colombia such as information technology, financial and banking sector have its market in the country. This commercial growth of country facilitates growth in the world and also enables to manage their natural resources and trade by generating revenues (The Service Sector in Colombia and The FTAA negotiations). Culture and Traditions: A diversified culture occupied Colombian territory before the Spanish have arrived. Some as sophisticated and advanced in such a way that produced San Agustins statue in the Huila department, profound tombs of Tierradentro in the Cauca department or in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta the Lost City. The Spanish was arrived with an aim to take over and colonization and carried slaves along with them from Africa. Because of these reasons Colombia is recognized as diversified ethnics and cultural country where each region has some unique characteristics which discriminate it from other nations. Accordingly the Andean culture that strongly experienced its European ancestry of a culture of Caribbean which is a blend of Indian and African legacy; roots of African culture with the pacific culture and Orinoquia culture and Amazon culture which is basically an Indian. This complex combination of American and European ancestry is not only articulated in the tradition of country although also comprises of several artistic ground such as handicrafts, cuisines, architecture, sculpture, painting, literature, film, photography, music, dance, theater and many more. Colombian culture is the summation of geographical sites, its colonizers, religious communities and many other things. All these have significant reflection in the lifestyle and religion of Colombian people. Along with this, these things also influenced the language and other aspects of Colombian life (Colombia Culture; Culture: Tradition and avant-garde). Landforms in Colombia: Landforms are the natural features on the surface of earth. Colombia is full of several landforms which enables it to become incredible country in the world. This country is fronted by valleys such as Caribbean, Pacific as well as Eastern Amazon which lengthen its borders Venezuela and Brazil. The western side of Colombia is crossed by three rocky equivalent ranges of the Andes Mountain which was named as Eastern, Central and Western Cordilleras. Many of the significant rivers like Cauca, Magdalena and Putumayo were climbed in the upper elevation of the mountain. These Cauca and Magdalena disconnected the three ranges of Andean Mountain, ultimately merging and later on ending in the Caribbean Sea (Landforms). Land Division in Colombia: The land of Colombia divided into many sub divisions which comprises of thirty two departments and one capital district. The thirty two departments of Colombia includes Amazonas, Antioquia, Arauca, Atlantico, Bolivar, Boyaca, Caldas, Caqueta, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Choco, Cordoba, Cundinamarca, Guainia, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Narino, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindio, Risaralda, San Andres y Providencia, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca, Vaupes and Vichada. Other than these departments, the Colombia has one capital district which is named as Capital de Bogota (Land Statistics). Information about Traveler in Colombia: In the early 00s, the Colombia has been opened for world travelers because violence has been decreased dramatically. The diversity of climate and cultural zone in the Colombia provided something unique to the travelers. In the north of country, Caribbean beaches facilitate high class resorts with some historic colonial cities although economical beach towns next to Pacific Coast like Nuqui. In the Andean region, local population resides with the diversified culture. Despite being diversified culture, climatic zone has extreme variations which contributed beauty to the region and aid Colombia as one of the bio-diverse country in the world wide. The points of attraction in the Colombia as elaborated below (Welcome to Colombia Information). Attractions: The Colombia is the country which comprises of diversified culture and climate. This diversity of climate and culture placed this country at different platform and also these diversities attracts more travelers from the worldwide. The climate of Colombia is identified by trade winds, altitude and humidity because it is an equatorial country. The country took pleasure consistent luminosity during the year with the identical duration of day and night hours. The point of attractions of the Colombia country comprises of several natural features. The historical landmarks comprises of Capitol, Capilla Del Sangrario, cathedral on Plaza Bolivar which is a main square. The capital city Bogota includes a museum the Museo Del Oro that is one of the best Colombian museums globally. It also includes churches as Iglesia de Santa Clara and Iglesia de San Ignacio. Other than this, Cartagena on the Caribbean coast is the building of colonial walled and the white sand beaches are truly attractive. A f amous Salt Cathedral in the Zipaquira which is an underground church built under a salt mine. Other than these Colombia is also full of parks such as Tayrona National park (Attractions; Attractions from Colombia). The overviews of point of attractions in the Colombia country are described underlined as below: Museums and churches: The country has many museums and churches such as Museo Del Oro, Museo national, Museo Arqueologico, Santa Clara and San Francisco. The major and unique feature of these are, all are situated in the mid of the city. The Mountain Cerro de Monserrate (Bogota): This Mountain gave pleasure to all travelers who come from worldwide. The Salt Cathedrals at Zipaquira (Bogota): Zipaquira is situated in the north of Bogota. These mines have been vacant and comprises of small reserves which place like a mountain of salt. The Island Del Rosario (Colombia): It is situated in the southwest of Cartagena which is next to the Caribbean coast. It is situated thirty kilometer in the southwest of Cartagena. This area is full of incredible scenes and sand beaches. Along with these also offered glorious coral reefs and colorful fishes. Source: (Attractions) The city of Cali: This is a rich city and having hot climate. This city is famous for its cigars and for exotic dishes. San Andres (Colombia): This Island is only 13 kilometer long and 3 kilometer broad. This island is flat and plain in nature and full of coco palms. Its sunny beaches offered a place for relaxing to the travelers. The nature reserve of Parque National los Katios (Colombia): This is one of the beautiful nature parks which are enclosed with rain forest and lakes. One of the points of attraction in the park is a waterfall of 100 meter. These natural scenes gave pleasures to all travelers who came to Colombia (Attractions; Attractions from Colombia). Country Dialing Code: The country dialing code is a series of numbers which is used for establishing connections between two telephones at the international platform. The dialing code of Colombia country is of two digits as 57. This dialing code allowed user to contact Colombia from another countries in the world wide. This dialing code 57 is dialed after the International Direct Dialing (IDD) and this Colombia dialing code is followed by an area code. By using complete Colombia dialing code a user may call in Colombia (Colombia Country Codes). Electricity: The voltage in Colombia country is 110 volts which is similar to the voltage utilized in the United States of America, Canada and Japan. The 110 volts has been considered as safer to use and less powerful because it has ad vantage over the high voltage like 230 volts. On the other hand, it costs more in the transmission of power to the end users by utilizing 110 volts as for this purpose copper lines must be thicker in size. For this reason wealthy countries are generally used these lower voltages (Electricity in Colombia). In Colombia, the electricity frequency is 60 Hz. Since electricity frequency is not a major issue in regards of compatibility because in the recent time most of the electrical equipments are supportive to the multiple frequencies (Colombia Technical Information for Travelers). The plug adapters that are used in Colombia are A or B. the electrical outlets of type A and type B are shown below: Source: (Colombia Country Codes) The graphical representation of electricity production in Colombia country is as shown below: Source: (Electricity in Colombia) The attractive feature of electricity sector in Colombia is if certain area has a number then it is called Stratum. If this number is higher than that area considered as better as compared to others and the people need to pay more amounts for electricity. This system is operated by cross-subsidies and kept very simple phenomenon that the person who earns more have to pay more for electricity. This makes sure that power is accessible by everyone (Electricity in Colombia). Conclusion: The Colombia is the country which comprises of diversified culture and climate. This diversity of climate and culture placed this country at different platform and also these diversities attracts more travelers from the worldwide. This country is known for their several landforms, culture and traditions. This gives additional advantage to the country for attracting more travelers. In totality, Colombia is the country which is considered as incredible place in the world wide.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Picasso At The Lapin Agile Essay -- Picasso at the Lapin Agile Plays E

Picasso at the Lapin Agile From the time you enter the Falk Theatre, until the curtain rises and falls on the production of Picasso at the Lapin Agile, you are in for a treat. The play is an original work by Steve Martin with a running time of 90minutes, which feels more like 30minutes. Aside from the uncomfortable seating, this production is nothing short of wonderful. The Theatre has been transformed from a long movie Theater atmosphere to a quaint surrounding by means of risers that are placed directly on the stage. The new seating divides the old Theater in half and allows for the actors and the audience to share the same space. Not only this atmosphere that makes it wonderful but also the performances, the direction, the design and the script. Set in France in 1904, the stage is a French bar called the â€Å"Lapin Agile†, with the action of the plot involving the characters who come into the bar and their relationship to time as well as each other. The script is an abstract look at the chance meeting of historical figures and the role these meetings will have on the future. Perhaps one of the most attractive aspects of the script is its ability to ask the same questions of the audience that it does from one character to another. For example, the owner of the â€Å"Lapin Agile†, Freddy attempts to stump Albert Einstein with a mathematical problem that the audience couldn’t have enough time to equate. This style of fast paced dialogue and action fills the entire script fr...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dupont Case Study Essay

Tom Harris is the General Manager of Dupont, which is the major employer in their community. Big changes had taken place when the Orlon plant had closed down, but few changes had taken place. Projects such as getting rid of one operation and installing another was being seen as regular business so there was no change management rubric. GM Harris went to the University of Virginia seeking advice from the academic community to bring some of the latest thinking in business to the Dupont plant. He specifically wanted to introduce his managers to new ideas and how to apply those ideas to improving to the plant. He stated he was not looking to improve overall organization effectiveness. He stated he was under increasing pressure to do more with less. A general bulletin was sent out to all employees stating the work culture that would be built. It stated that a representative from University of Virginia would be spending time at the plant and had been asked to give new perspectives on the work being done and the organization as whole. The hope was that it would help develop people and continually improve production. The most important goal was to help the staff appreciate and develop what goes right, assist in building on the strengths and to make the plant work better for everyone. It was also made clear that the representatives presense was not to suggest there was a particular problem, and the result is due to the plants desire to continuously improve. Over a six month time period interviews were conducted with workers and managers. Time was spent in the workplace and the representative learned about the day to day activities at the plant. This produced a description of the shared stock of knowledge that organizational members used to interpret events and generate behavior. What was made explicit with that process was the local widely used everyday common sense model performance unique to the plant and it’s atmosphere. A part of the culture that came out of this fact finding was that the local model of teamwork was organized around a southern stock-car racing metaphor. It was used to explain teamwork and the pattern for accomplishing it. Everyone knew the metaphor, so it was understood. The General Manager and the other managers were surprised to learn of the NASCAR metaphor, but it explained why they had not recognized existing teamwork in the workplace for they had different language used for teamwork. This metaphor gave them a language to introduce change for improvement. It also illuminated of the local meaning of effective supervision, high performance, and what constituted a good day at the plant with making improvements. Managers were instructed to use the findings of the study. It was felt the new understanding could be used to interpret the local meaning of effective work to capitalize on strengths, to expand and develop existing good practices. This would also help to problem solve. It was found too that the findings of the study could also be used as a basis for experiements. There existed a Leadership Core Team who were instructed to introduce change as an experiment. It was to be explained that it was to be tried and watched closely, and if after a designated time it was not working as planned, it can be stopped.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Public Services level

We had our induction to the fitness training by doing a fitness test which tested our fitness before we started our fitness program to see where we were at tenets wise and for the test I did it in 19. 30 minutes which wasn't that good at the time. So we started the program and firstly in our group we started doing upper body work which was fine, it did get tough in some of the exercises we did mainly because we tried to do much but luckily we didn't get any injuries so we carried on with it and with that I noticed improvements in my upper body strength within that period of two weeks.Also was working at that time so I would have gone In the gym more times but I could due to that but also because of where I work and the apartment I work In, you're having to constantly take out cages and pallets, the cages can weigh up to keg and the pallets can weigh to keg and above and that also helped as well with Improving my body strength and fitness as well so that also helped. The strengths of this was that my upper body strength has improved and that I am able to do the same exercises quicker. And that I have got a better muscle definition now to my arms and shoulders now.The weaknesses of this was that I wasn't able to come in any more due to engagements with work and also course work and rugby training. Also I was getting very fatigued with my upper body and I was getting the occasional strain which affected my performance at work and college. Improvements and changes to the fitness program: the improvements that I would make to the training program would be that I would Increase the frequency of the exercises such as do It more times a week If the time Is available to do so and that I would also add In more exercises to do to get the full benefit of the training to Improve the upper body strength.Overall I would add In more Interval training and probably also swimming as it helps your whole body. Week 3 and 4 we were doing lower body and leg training with this I didn' t notice much difference to my lower body strength. In my opinion the lower body exercises were harder to do than the upper body exercises because you couldn't fit in much variety to it so you were having to mainly do the same exercise over and over but overall it wasn't too bad and we got used to it over time and I noticed minor improvements overall such as better definition and strength overall.But the one thing I did notice was that I was constantly having to have help at work with pulling the cages out of the ware house u to leg fatigue and also during the leg exercises I kept on straining my groin and once I strained hamstring In my right leg. The strengths of doing this was that I got a minor Improvement In leg strength and also better leg tone. The weaknesses of this was that I was constantly straining my groin whilst doing the leg exercises which was very annoying and that I wish I got more out of this.Also that I was having to have to leg fatigue and also straining my groin . Improvements and changes to the training program: the way I would make changes to the lower body training would be that I loud add more variety and I would do more exercises because when I was doing the program I was doing the same exercises over and over and it got kind of boring, so I would add in other exercises such as squat thrusts and also I would add in sit up's.Week 5 and 6 we were doing cardiac vascular fitness and of which I thought I got quite a lot out of it fitness wise and I noticed difference within my cardiac vascular fitness whilst doing any kind of fitness. With improving my cardiovascular fitness there is a lot of variety which makes it not boring because you're constantly doing different activities which makes it interesting and doesn't make you lose focus as easily And plus you can do fitness like farther and interval training on a public field which is easy enough.What I would change: well I wouldn't change much to the fitness program itself but I would try t o space it out more evenly and not put it all in so closely and I would also do more training the next time I was going to do the fitness program which would improve my overall fitness a lot more. But the one thing I do lack a lot of is stamina, say that you are physically fit but you get out of breath quickly but you're till able to carry one though.The strengths of the fitness program was that over the two weeks my fitness did improve quite a lot which means that I was able to keep up with my rugby colleagues whilst at training doing touch rugby and other activities. The weaknesses of this program was that I didn't do enough fitness during the week outside of college so I didn't get the maximum out of it but if I had done fitness outside of college I would have become a lot fitter and would have been able to do a lot more fitness wise but I did get a lot fitter from the fitness program.The end of the tenets program, after the 6 weeks of training upper body, lower body and cardiova scular fitness training I have found noticeable differences/improvements in all areas that I trained. Since starting the fitness program I was back into rugby training and I have started playing again which is all good and I think if it wasn't for the six week training program I think I wouldn't have been able to cope with the needs of rugby. At the end of the six week training program we had a fitness test which was the same as the one we did at the start of the test, when I first did the testI did it in 19 minutes 30 seconds and when I did it the second time at the end of the fitness program I finished it in 16 minutes 30 seconds which is a huge difference than when the first time I did it which shows that my overall fitness and strength has improved which is a good thing because that's what I set out to achieve which is a good thing. Also whilst doing the fitness program I have been taken off one of my inhalers for my asthma which is very good which means that my asthma is going and also once it all goes I should have a better chance to get into other public services ouch as the navy.Targets for the future: my targets are that I would go swimming, even though I'm not the best of swimmers I can improve and with swimming its improves your whole body muscular wise and improves your fitness a lot and as I got approached by Cleveland second team players saying that I should play for them at the beginning of the new season and they said I probably would be playing at blindside flanker for them and I Just think that's brilliant but I would have to get lot fitter to do so. Also I will be planning to start boxing training again to get myI know the owner he would probably make me exercise like a dog and when I have spare time during the week or preferably in the morning I would possibly go on runs and set a benchmark time and each week I would try and improve it every week then getting onto a certain time. Http://www. Swimming. Org/swimsuit/why-swimming-needs- to-be- part-of-your-lifestyle/ Conclusion: In this piece of work I have evaluated my performance in the six week training programming and have included my strengths and weaknesses and also I have talked about before and after the training program and what's happened since then.